Contact us

Contact us

Dear EXPEDMAN Brand Store Customer,

We understand that you may encounter various issues or require 

professional assistance during your shopping journey. That's why we are proud to announce that our customer support team is available 24/7, ready to provide you with the highest quality service!

Whether you have questions about product usage, inquiries about order status, or any suggestions and feedback regarding our products, feel free to reach out to us at any time. Our dedicated customer 

support team is here to address your concerns, solve problems, and ensure you have a pleasant and seamless shopping experience.

You can contact us through the following channels:

Send an email to “”, and we will promptly respond to your inquiries.

Committed to providing you with excellent shopping service, the EXPEDMAN Brand Store is open 24/7, ready to serve you at all times. 

Thank you for choosing EXPEDMAN, and let's create a wonderful shopping experience together!

Best regards,

EXPEDMAN Brand Store Customer Support Team